Invoice Payment

You can pay your invoice quickly and easily using our online payment platform.  
To pay using a bank transfer please use the details below for both UK and International customers: 

Bank name: Monzo
Account holder: 1902 MEDIA LIMITED
Monzo Bank, Broadwalk House, 5 Appold Street, London, EC2A 2AG
Account number: 06254149
Sort code: 04-00-03
IBAN: GB41 MONZ 0400 0306 2541 49

Alternatively, you can your invoice using any credit or debit card using one of the merchant platforms below.

If you have any issues making payment please reach out to your account manager,
 or alternatively email us at [email protected] and we will send you a custom payment link.
Credit or Debit Card Payment

Credit or Debit Card Payment

You will be taken to the merchants website, where you can use your PayPal account to pay or alternatively if you do not have a PayPal account you can use any major credit or debit card.  Please use information provided in your invoice to populate the required fields

Pay Now
Credit or Debit Card Payment

Credit or Debit Card Payment

All major credit and debit cards will be accepted directly with Stripe soon.


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